National Match Armory

Camp Perry Presentation Rifles  for 2001

Here they are!

This year, National Match Armory has crafted four rifles which were presented by the Civilian Marksmanship Program to match winners at the 2001 National Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.


Each was custom built from a CMP-supplied service grade rifle using only the very best of accuracy parts and the latest in accurizing techniques. They are all NMA Expert Level Match Rifles.


Every National Match Armory Camp Perry Presentation Rifle features a Douglas Premium Match barrel, our Famous 12-Step Accurizing Program, steel bedding and a crisp 4 1/2 lb. trigger. 


And, in keeping with the very special nature of these award rifles, each features a different variety of presentation quality black walnut furniture. Not just a pretty face, each will shoot sub-MOA, too!


The 2001 National Match Armory Camp Perry Presentation Rifles have been presented by the Civilian Marksmanship Program to the winners of the following matches:

John C. Garand Match: Won by Brian Hunter of Huntsville, AL (287-6X)

National Trophy Individual Rifle Match: Won By Maj. Jay A. Williams of Vancouver, WA (497 - 19X)

President's Pistol Match: Won by Sgt. Fritz A. Ficke of Tucson, AZ (386 -13X)

National Trophy Individual Pistol Match: Won by SP4 Ray L. Gaviola, USA of Caldwell, ID (285-10X)

Congratulations from National Match Armory to the winners at this year's Camp Perry National Matches. It is an honor to participate and to team with the Civilian Marksmanship Program to recognize your shooting sports excellence.


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National Match Armory

"Why settle for less?"

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