National Match Armory
Camp Perry Presentation Rifles - 2004
Here they are!
This year's National Matches Trophy Presentation Rifles are perhaps the most handsome rifles yet, built on high-number Springfield M1 receivers, accurized to the Expert Level and fitted with classic American Walnut furniture with a rich, handsome fiddleback pattern.
And, for the second year, National Match Armory has built a presentation rifle for the winner CMP Springfield Rifle Match. Fittingly, it is a reproduction of the original Springfield National Match rifles which are so much a part of the Camp Perry heritage.
We are proud to have been selected to craft these rifles for the Civilian Marksmanship Program, and encourage all who attend the 2004 National Matches at Camp Perry to stop by the CMP Headquarters building and view these fine rifles in person.
The 2004 National Match Armory Camp Perry Presentation Rifles will be presented by the Civilian Marksmanship Program to the winners of the following matches:
John C. Garand Match (CMP-Selected):
National Trophy Individual Rifle Match:
President's Pistol Match:
National Trophy Individual Pistol Match:
Springfield Rifle Match (CMP-Selected):
Congratulations from National Match Armory to the winners at the 2004 Camp Perry National Trophy Matches. It is an honor to participate and to team with the Civilian Marksmanship Program to recognize your shooting sports excellence.
(Photographs of this year's presentation rifles were created by Tom Hussey Photography, Dallas,
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National Match Armory
"Why settle for less?"
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